Broadband Survey Summary of Results ~ As of June 30, 2016
Every month, we gather the results we receive …
Every month, we gather the results we receive …
Every month, we gather the results we receive …
Two broadband providers met with Franklin County legislators on Thursday to discuss the possibility of leasing access to the county’s 911 towers and shelter space for their equipment at tower sites.
We’re going to be able to tap into that fiber-optic that DANC (Development Authority of North Country) provides and send out that signal via tower.
The North Country of New York has a high percentage of families who are underserved, as well as UNSERVED, when it comes to high-speed Internet services.
President Obama wants to narrow the ‘homework gap’ that currently exists… making it difficult for low-income children to complete their homework because they are un-connected once they get home from school.
A new survey finds that many low-income families are “under-connected” to the Internet. in many cases getting by with only a single Internet-connected computer or, quite often, with mobile-only Internet access through a smartphone or two.
The new minimum broadband download speeds is 25 Mbps… up from 4Mbps.
Cuomo: “Less than half of St. Lawrence County has access to high-speed Internet.”
A community affected by economic decline now has a new infrastructure — and a new hope for the future.