Broadband Survey Summary of Results ~ As of May 31, 2016

Every month, we gather the results we receive from our Broadband Survey for non-customers and the Poll from into a report. We use these reports to review as a team, see where people are most in need of Internet services, and to better understand what the people in the community are wanting from their Internet provider. Thank you for taking the time to take the survey and polls so that we can better serve the community.

Here are the results of the surveys and polls from from January 1st 2016 – May 31st 2016…

Map of Survey Respondents – North Country:

Map of Survey Respondents – Zoomed in to the Bombay Tower Area:

Do you have access to high-speed Internet: 49.4% do not have access

Current Internet Service Provider:

  • Verizon: 32.8%
  • Time Warner Cable: 17.2%
  • Hughes Net & Exede Dish Network: 8.6% each

Current Internet Speeds:

  • 1-5 Mbps: 39.8%
  • 6-10 Mbps: 21.0%
  • No Internet: 19.3%

Happy with Current Service: 94% are not happy with their current service

Feel Unserved or Underserved: 96.4% Feel Unserved or Underserved

Interested in a New Internet Service Provider: 100% Are Interested

Interested in Being a Test Customer: 97.6%

Confirm It’s Okay to Contact Them: 98.8%; of this percent, 60.2% confirm we can contact them with any contact method (31.3% prefer email contact only; 7.2% prefer phone contact only; and 1.2% prefers regular mail only)

Top 3 Submission Zip Codes:

  • Fort Covington: 15.7%
  • Massena: 10.8%
  • Bombay: 9.6%

Top 3 Things You Change About Your Current Internet Service Provider:

  • Faster Speed: 30.4%
  • Cost/Value/Price/No Overage Fees: tied at 26.6%
  • Unlimited Access: 17.7%

Important Anecdotal Comments from Respondents (edited to remove provider names):

  • Have inquired with XXXXX and they want to charge me $6,000 to install cable here.
  • I don’t like throttling, limited in use, can’t watch videos, face time, etc. I’m limited on GB.
  • Always maxed out on amount allow at the faster speed. Have slow service the rest of the month.  Trying to build a craft business and need the faster speed.
  • Price is way too high for what you get.
  • We use our cell phone for internet service as we have no options. There are many homes on my road that would like an internet provider in our area.
  • We have XXXXX and we are constantly running out of data just Internet surfing. No streaming videos or gaming.
  • We are told it’s too expensive to run XXXXX out this way… we have to settle for dish internet (Slow, expensive, and sick of time out loading or not loading at all.)
  • Current high-speed satellite service has monthly bandwidth cap. This limits what I can and can’t do on this service.
  • All we have is dial-up. Enough said.
  • I have a DSL connection through XXXXX but only get 400 Kbps.
  • My current provider is technically XXXXX. However, all their ports are full so they cannot provide me any service.
  • Our phone bill is over a thousand dollars due to XXXXX screwing our plan, and gouging our very limited internet, not to mention the inconsistency in our area. I’d change the ungodly price for such a limited service, as it should not even be triple digits, let alone quadruple for the spotty service provided.
  • We pay for high speed Internet, the most expensive plan and repeatedly test under 20.
  • We have XXXXX internet is our only option and I cannot narrow it down to just one thing I would change. What bothers me the most is my kids suffer with trying to do their school projects with such limited access.
  • …slow at night and in poor weather

North Country Broadband Website Polls Summary of Results ~ As of May 31, 2016

Zip Codes of Respondents:

Answers to “Would You Like Phone Service”?

Answers to “Would You Like an Email Address”?

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