SmartBizTM Logo

Unrivaled Managed WiFi for Unprecedented Small Business Growth.

small business dilemma

The Small Business Owner’s Dilemma

icon network
icon security
icon restricted
icon portal
icon always on
Interior of restaurant. Panorama. Wooden design.

With SmartBiz, You Have the Power to
Create and Control Four Distinct Networks:

Young businesswoman sitting working at a desktop
shop assistant placing order from notepad into pos point of sale terminal at register in restaurant

Set up a separate network for mobile payment and self-serve store check out.

Young entrepreneur working on business project in city cafe, writing down ideas and using laptop
Mask Group 97
Mask Group 39
Group 47
Mask Group 96
command worx
blur bg 2

We Bring New Opportunities to Your Business

bring new opportunity
Customers using wifi
frankies cafe

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